I Managed to Identify the Collided Bus

22 June 2023

Written by Eric R

Years ago, when I was young, I traveled extensively between towns for my business. On one such occasion, accomplishing business and before leaving for my hometown, I visited a dealer whose shop was on a highway; I planned this visit because I could board any random bus from a bus stop near the dealer's outlet.

As I was ending the meeting with the dealer and about to board the bus, it started raining; I was waiting in a shelter, and when I saw the bus from afar, I started running towards it in the rain. I indicated to the driver that I wanted to board the bus; the driver saw me clearly and understood I desperately wanted to board the bus, but he chose to drive past, leaving me to continue drenching in the rain.

I have a practice of praying for God's favor in my daily life; also, I wish for His will to come to pass.

On that day, I started grumbling because God didn't hear my prayer; I had seen the highway bus drivers stopping the bus for whoever wanted to board a bus anywhere to do more business, but the same hadn’t happened to me that day.

I was thoroughly wet and continued to wait for the next bus. After a few minutes, I got into the next bus. Still grumbling, it took time for me to dry my clothes.

I was hot inside because of the bitter experience, although my clothes were still cold. It was about a four-hour journey; I slipped into a sound sleep at one point. After an hour or so, suddenly, I woke up hearing a loud screaming. I saw chaos all around the highway. Ambulances and volunteers were busy attending to those who were wounded.

I managed to peep through the bus window to understand what had happened.

I saw two buses collided with each other head-on; they sped so fast, smashing half of the bus on one side. Many died on the spot, and the volunteers attended to a few severely wounded.

Police were trying to clear the traffic jam, so vehicles moved slowly.

I managed to identify the collided bus; it was the same bus that refused to stop when I had tried my best to board a few hours earlier.

That part of the severely damaged bus was where I usually sat.

If God had heard my prayer... 

Please ponder the following Bible verse and check if it connects with your life experience.

"And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Please share with those who need encouraging words to look up life with gratitude.

In His service

Eric R





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