
Written by Eric R

Anyone who visits a Government office in India would experience a high handedness and arrogance from the officer they meet. Few of them turn out to be polite in a while and extend helping hands with a broad smile on their face. Easily you can make out that they are corrupt officers and looking for a bribe.

The other category who refuse to be kind and courteous convey that they are not after your money. Such officers would show an unnatural strict face and sound a dictating tone; they would never offer you a seat; they would make you feel uncomfortable. But, they are called Government servants to serve the public.

It is pretty common for people who visit such offices, and it is tough to deal with straightforward officers than the corrupt ones; self-justice and pride go up to their heads.

Should one be merciless and unkind if they are straightforward? Can't one be kind to help the innocent to complete the set norms and formalities? To serve people must be the motto and not boast oneself for just doing their duties straightforward.

If accepting a bribe is not correct, being unkind and arrogant also is; this attitude isn't just limited to Government offices but in Christendom and with servants of God.

Read the parable said by the Lord Jesus Christ; it is a prayer made by a Pharisee, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get." (Luke 18:9-14)

The irony is many of us don't do all those done by the Pharisee but boast over the other; "I am better than my neighbor," spiritual pride?

Shall we search our hearts? We do certain other things that our neighbor doesn't do. Our way of doing sin is different from the others. Some whom we accuse and condemn got caught in the act of evil, and we weren't. (John 8:3-11) We didn't face some temptations as others; had we met, would we have passed through it? Most of us could have passed through it, but are we pure and holy in our hearts? Doesn't God look at our hearts? Do we live like modern-day Pharisees?

What does it mean to love the sinners?

We live in a time of grace, God is loving, merciful, and gracious, and He hates the sin and loves the sinner.

If we say, "He is bad, a sinner, an evil, a fraud, etc." instead of saying, "What he does is wrong; he had involved in fraudulent practices." it means we pass judgment as a sinner; if we hate them for what they have done it means we hate sinners.

The authority to rebuke the sinful act should not go to the extent of judging one as a sinner, whom God had forgiven. Isn't this parallel to the prayer of the Pharisee? Instead, we should encourage them to meet God in faith for forgiveness and deliverance. Believers who aspire to live a righteous life fall short and live in guilt. They feel that honest living is possible only for premium Christians and preachers. Yes, they are discouraged; some have given up already or are in such a mood.

How can we help them?

We shall pray that we live up to God's expected standards and yet don't boast that we are better than our neighbors. Shall we look at a fallen and weak and those in bondage with love, kindness, and concern just as the Saviour Jesus does?

Suppose we have such an approach towards the weak. In that case, the weak will experience the comfort and love of God through us, and it will pave the way for them to approach God with confidence and gradually make them strong in faith, guiltfree. Eventually, this will help them move towards working for the expansion of His kingdom by replicating the same to their fellow neighbor.

May God bless you.


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