
Written by Eric R

Sweet Chariot and Sugar Daddy are famous bakeries in Bangalore. When you step into one of their outlets, the ambiance and the presentation of cakes in different colors displayed on a glossy shelf will almost make your brain understand the taste of the cakes on display. Mouthwatering?

Imagine our Church distributing one such tongue-tingling cake after the New Year service; it's apparent that we would be excited and would certainly enjoy it. But how would you feel having the same slice of cake for the whole year and eating it little by little every day?

Why your face is showing a peculiar expression?

How do we then stick to a so-called New Year promise for the whole year? We couldn't see any such promise given to anyone for one year in the Bible.

We get New Year once every 365 days; the funny part is that it becomes old even before one year old.

What happened to all the old years' promises?

The Holy Bible says, "His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;" God expects us to come to His presence to receive His mercy, grace, favor, and a fresh slice of manna every morning.

Should we ask for a new promise from God every day?

In the Bible, we see that God gave promises to different individuals and communities in many different contexts. It also comes with a tag and conditions.

Then, how can we personalize them for us?

Recognize Him in everything, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3: 5,6

May God bless you.


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